Hi! I'm Lorraine, a journalist and fiction writer.
I've been interested in archaeology since I was old enough to dig holes at the beach and explore abandoned houses in my rural town. I started writing about archaeology and anthropology in 2016 for publications like Nautilus Magazine and The Atlantic. After I became a staff writer at Smithsonian Magazine, I had many more opportunities to dig into human history and evolution. These days I freelance for a number of publications and write fiction in my spare time. This project is the best of both worlds. I've listed some of my archaeology and paleoanthropology stories below. If you want to check out more of my work or learn about my first book (about high school reenactors and the French history of North America), visit my website.
Neanderthals Hunted in Groups, SmithsonianMag.com
How Do Scientists Identify New Hominin Species? SmithsonianMag.com
Rare, 85,000-Year-Old Finger Bone Discovered, SmithsonianMag.com
Colored Pigments and Complex Tools Suggest Early Trade Network, SmithsonianMag.com
Were Neanderthals the Earliest Cave Artists? SmithsonianMag.com
Genetics Rewrites the History of Early America, SmithsonianMag.com
Are Humans to Blame for the Disappearance of Earth's Fantastic Beasts? SmithsonianMag.com
Rat Bones Reveal How Humans Transformed Their Island Environments, SmithsonianMag.com
How the Ancestors of Birds Survived the Dino-Killing Asteroid, SmithsonianMag.com
Archaeologists Are Planning to Sink This Ship Dozens of Times, Nautilus Magazine
Jurassic Park's Unlikely Symbiosis with Real-Life Science, SmithsonianMag.com
An 800-Year-Old-Shipwreck Can Help Piece Together Asia's Maritime Trade, SmithsonianMag.com
Science and Environment
What a Walking Fish Can Teach Us About Human Evolution, SmithsonianMag.com
How the Sahara Turned from Green Oasis to Desert, SmithsonianMag.com